Dedicated to reflecting theologically on mission, music, movies, books, and the world.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

And now for something completely different

Well, this is a first post. So hello and welcome, if by some chance you decided to stop and read this blog. Hopefully, from time to time someone will. I am hoping that this blog can be a bit about what I am thinking and reflecting on this year. Kind of a synthesis of how I do theology, since graduating from seminary and having a daughter I have not had the kind of outlet to well get my thoughts out. I am hoping that this can be an outlet for theological musings and how I seem them play out in ministry, the bible, and my ongoing conversation with music, movies, and books.

I had a wise professor in seminary who taught me a few important things about theology. Number one, theology is thinking God's thoughts after him. Secondly, theology is a conversation, a constructive conversation if you will with all the things that can inform theology. So its more than just dusty old books, stale orthodoxy, and exlusivism. Basically, theology is in everything we do, or everything we do is somehow theologically informed, because in big and small ways it shows how we think about God, or maybe don't think about him. Also, the Bible tells us that God created all and everything in the world, and that humans bear his images. You really can't get away from being a theological human being. So life in many ways is aour ongoing converation with God, with each other, and with this world about what is true, good, spiritual, and ultiamtelyglorifying to God.


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