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Thursday, January 03, 2008

Best of...

Ok, its that time of the year, the end of it anyways, when everyone is putting out "Best of ..." lists. Well, I haven't had as much time this year to keep up with all the music and movies coming out this year. Actually, I have hardly seen any new movies, but I have a lot I want to see.

I have kept more current musically and can reccommend some new albums this year. So here is my list of some of my favorite albums this year, in no particular order.

The Scene of the Crime, Bettye Lavette and The Drive by Truckers
Great soul/blues album. Bettye has a tremendous voice, distinct, dirty, and beautiful all at the same time. The Drive by Truckers, out of tremendous respect, lay down a great southern rock album with twinges of blues and R&B for the world weary wisdom of a legend like Bettye. What real rock music should sound like.

The Once Soundtrack, Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova
If you haven't seen the movie, you should. A kind of Lost in Translation set in Europe, where two strangers meet, fall in love, write and play beautiful music for less than a week and then move one from each other. The music is stunning, a series of break-up/relationship songs sung with profound depth by Hansard and highlighted by the Irglova's delicate voice and piano work. Its a beautiful and evocative album.

Blue Sky Blue, Wilco
Alt-country, modern hipsters put another great album out. After two almost avant-garde, experiments in sound, Wilco tones this one down to its more folk and jazz sensibilities. There are still the un-expected turns in sound and melody that Wilco likes to throw at us, but there are also some pretty folk and pop moments here too. All in all, its another strong album not made for radio.

Ok and some movies that I have really enjoyed this year...

Oceans 13
The Darjeeling Limited
Paris I Love You

And some ones I really want to see...
There Will Be Blood
American Gangster
Gone Baby Gone
I'm Not There
3:10 To Yuma
No Country For Old Men


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